Kevin Ng
is a software designer who enjoys experimenting with code and tools.
Currently designing systems at


Homepage of Exchange UI Library Exchange Web UI Library2024

Created a dynamic system for the web UI framework on the Exchange, incorporating variables and components to ensure adaptability across diverse interfaces. App Landing Page Concept App Design System2023

Built team and established base system from the ground up - covering colors, typography, individual components and more.

Example of Mox Bank's Design library

Mox Bank - Design System2022

Scaled the mobile app's Design System and initiated migration from Sketch to Figma.

Example of Mox's UI

Mox Bank - Product Design2022

Designed Onboarding, Account Management, Payment & FX features. Improved user engagement and reduced user drop-off by over 15%.

Example of K11 Design library

K11 HK - Design System2021

Set up a design library for the mobile app. Established design direction that supports branding expansion needs.

Newly designed screen for the K11 Mall App

K11 - Mall & Lifestyle App Design2021

Lead redesign of the mall and lifestyle app, serving 2 million users from malls, residences, and workplaces.

Redesigned homepage and check-in flow for the Neurum App

Neurum - Version 2.0 Design2021

Redesigned the mental wellness app via a design sprint. Tripled engagement and retention after launch.

UI for Concept 4's Quotation Platform

Concept 4 - Zero-to-one Design2020

Lead product direction and design for this B2B Quotation web platform from 0 to MVP.

UI showcase of Eleven - an accounting web platform for professional accountants

Eleven - Product Design and Design System2019

I was the sole designer for the Accounting startup - responsible for User Research, UIUX and Roadmap.